The Artists Archives of the Western Reserve
Corporate Brochure
The Artists Archives of the Western Reserve is a unique archival facility created to preserve representative bodies of work by Ohio visual artists. Through ongoing research, exhibitions and educational programs, the AAWR actively documents and promotes this cultural heritage for the benefit of the public.
The founders envisioned a “living archive” – a facility where archived artwork could be preserved, displayed, and studied by the public and scholars alike. The Archive would maintain a representative body of the artist’s work as well as documentation of their lives and careers as Ohio-based artists. Accordingly, the AAWR records oral histories, catalogs exhibition materials and collects related documents on Ohio artists.
Project Highlights
This pro-bono project was conceived to give the AAWR an enhanced design and functionality to their corporate brochure. It is used to promote the Archive to corporate funders and educate students and community members about the value of art and the history of visual art and artists in the region.